A UK born victim with working legal background has been doing their own personal legal case.
Due to personal reasons they are seeking a helper - helpers - to aid with her case.
The case entails the following -
1 The argument that AI and technological torture is virtual imprisonment and has effect in the real world.
2 It is arguing, based on the Magna Carter, that even if no physical element any torture should be sufficient for the writ of Habeas corpus to follow as the Magna Carter prohibits persons being destroyed in any way not just physically.
The help needed would be to format, type and proof read court applications, skeleton arguments and other necessary documents, Legal research into UK Civil Procedure Rules, Case Law and statutes.
In addition, help with telephone calls to court clerks and photocopying, paginating and compiling court bundles.
If you feel you'd like to help and take on such duties please reach out to them via the email address listed below.