As the Labour government is making many changes to how the DWP operates, we have had many victims asking me questions about this. We have spoken with benefits advisory services to ask all the key questions.
Legacy benefits like - ESA and housing benefits, are coming to an end.
Universal Credit is now being rolled out, but they are linked together still, during the migration period. PIP will continue but changes may be made to this as well.
Below are all the key factors and tips to consider. These can be used for reviews of benefits, migrations on benefits and initial applications for benefits. It is advisable to contact your local benefits advisroy service and ask questions, find out if you are already on benefits what you got points for, make a list of your conditions, medications and symptoms, for each question have 3 main issues that make an impact on these and to not say too much at your health / work assessments so they do not catch you out - as they will try to.
Migration to UC -
If you are on ESA and get - extra money as very disabled, extra money as in support group and PIP - These factors will be carried over onto your new UC claim.
This means you will MOST LIKELY not be asked to do a health assessment when migrating to UC.
If you are just migrating or aplying for UC and have not had a review in some time, UC will definitely do a work capability assessment at your local job centre or on the phone, but this is more ticking boxes and confirming your ID.
If you get the same ESA elements listed above, they will MOST LIKELY not ask you to start applying for work on a regular basis. If they do ask you to do this, and you feel it is the wrng decision you can appeal.
When you first start doing the UC migration application form online, even if you do a bit and come back to it - without actualy submitting it, there is a 5 week gap in payments, your ESA and housing benefits will stop on this day.
If this causes financial struggles you can apply for a temporary loan for the shortfall and time gap, but this would need to be paid back over time. It is advisable to do the UC application form close to the deadline date you are given on the UC letter you receive asking you to apply. If you are just applying for the first time this does not apply.
For those getting the extra ESA and PIP awards, and extra payments due to severe disability, these should be carried over, so even if initially UC state you get X amount, but it is less than you were already getting, there is what is called a TRANSITIONAL PROTECTION scheme, which ensures you get the same amount you were before or more.
PIP - continues separetly to UC, however PIP reviews are being rolled out nationwide at the same time. If anything were to happen to your PIP BEFORE your UC claim or migration, this may impact the rates and extras you may get from PIP and ESA - as they are all linked in determining the awards you get.
If when you get the UC migration letter, your PIP or extra ESA payments - listed above - were to be stopped, this would mean these elements may not be carried over to UC. So if possible, have your PIP review done BEFORE your UC migration.
The actual application form for UC is easy to complete, the diffictuls questions come at the assessment itself, and I have included a list of all of these questions in the file below for you to download.
You will need your NI number, contact details, bank details, tenancy agreements,and possibly a P60 / P45 - but if you have not worked in over a year this does not apply, and a "Fit note" from your GP - but only if you have worked in the last year.
They can go back through your bank statements as far back as they deem fit depending on your savings and circumstances. Normally they go back 6 months to a year. You cannot have over £6,000 in your bank account on UC, for every £250 more than £6,000, they deduct £4.35 from your award. Anything over £16,000 means you will NOT get UC.
You will need to provide as much medical evidence as possible, and if you get PIP and would be getting UC - YOU MUST keep all the details you share the same, as they can cross check this.
If you are / were getting legacy housing benefit, and then move to UC, this element may be paid directly to your landlord or to yourself. It may also be good for you to do an income and expenditure yourself at home to see how you are managing your finances.
On UC you would get a single monthly payment, unlike ESA which is every fortnight. You may need to make changes to how you manage your finainces in this case.
Extra advice about PIP -
There are now new staff nationwide doing the assessments. If you have a PIP review coming up at any time, and submit medical evidence, then there is a waiting period in between submitting the medical evidence and actually getting a review - (not all are asked for a health review assessment) - You should stick to the details that you already submitted ONLY.
If in the time gap, you are diagnosed with more health issues or symptoms get worse, then at the health assessment disclose this - THEY CAN SAY THIS IS A CHANGE IN CIRCUMSTANCES - and may ask you to start your PIP claim all over again. It is best to stick to what you already submitted, keep as many questions as the same and no change, as it is more important that you simply KEEP your PIP award, rather than try to have the award increased.
In this case you should as stated NOT disclose new health diagnosis, but you can say things like - "My health condidtions are all the same but my symptoms are worse."
Many nationwide are having their PIP reduced and or even stopped, this can be appealed, and if you need aid with this, see the web links below and Google your local free benefits advice services.
Any benefits health assessment is not for diagnostic reasons, it does not matter what health issues you may have, they want to know about how your health impacts your daily life.
For TI's specifically -
We all want to be able to say freely why we are unable to work - due to targeting - but this often comes at a cost relating to mental health. A balance should be found. Your mental health issues could land you more benefits award amounts, which will always be a help to us going through our targeting. This in essence is almost going along with what our perps want, and admitting we are in fact mentally unstable, when we know different. If you decide, using any targeting caused mental health issues in your benefits claims would MOST LIKELY see you get more money and in discussing and disclosing mental health related issues to the DWP - it cannot result in anything bad happening to you - UNLESS - you were to say to an assessor, advice place and like - something which they may see as a danger to yourself or others. You should also say in typed form or verbally - "My GP helps with the mental health issues" - so that the assessor knows this and does not advise you to seek this form of help.
To summarise - Yes, it is unfair, but you may require the funds.
For all health assessment for all benefits -
You can have a person present with you, if it is a video call and you want to record be careful how you word this and ensure to ask first, say - "Can I record the audio of this to refer back as my memory is not too good". There is a difference between video of a perosn and audio. Stick to audio only.
They may merge questions together to try and catch you out.
Do NOT say "Sometimes I ......" - They will then score you as more capable, say "Daily" or similar.
If it is a video call do not allow them to see you move around - they can monitor such things as part of their scoring.
It sounds strange but do not speak too well, they will score how you come across as well.
Do not appear too prepared, they will score this as being capable.
If they ask a question and you feel it is designed to catch you out you can ask them to repeat it differently - Eg - "Can you set an alarm clock on your phone ?" In all honesty most even with severe disabilities can do such a task, but they may ask you this, then if you say yes, state to you - "So that means you can use your washing machine, and do this......." THINK.
If they ask you - "But could you walk to your local shop if you really had to for something like a loaf of bread ?." This again is to catch you out. If you avoid going out or cannot walk long distances, say this clearly. You then say - "No, I avoid going out and have food delivered." or "My X helps me with shopping, I do not go shopping."
Walking distances - PIP and UC credit use meters as examples, a long row of buses, or a supermarket aisle, be prepared for this. You can also say - "I am slower than others, my elderly mother walks faster than me."
If you have in fact had new diagnosis but did not have them and submit them when the review began, do not use them as this could be deemed a change in circumstance. You can however say - "My symptoms are............" are reel these off - saying the symptoms relating to said new health issues.
If you have no one supporting you in person, and you have had to adapt to fit in with your health issues, how you word this to an assessor may be scored. If you appear very capable, they may score this. So you can say "As I have no real support I have to adapt, so I have food delivered, use a chair on wheels to help with movement............" So it shows them just how bad things are.
Managing therapy - This is more about do you need prompting to eat, bath, take medication and alike. Even if this a person texting you to remind you of such things, this counts as requiring aid to manage yourself.
When they ask a question - stick to just this question as best you can, do not go off on tangents.
Have a list of your health conditions and medications ready, and create a type up based on the main questions asked which are listed below.
The two key mobility questions on a PIP application are: "Can you plan and follow journeys?" and "Can you move around?
The next lot of questions are based on -
Food prep / Eating / How much support needed or on UC named "Managing therapy" / washing / dressing / toilet / talking / reading & understanding / people face to face / money.
They also may ask you how you cope with changes in general and in social situations. You can have 2 categories for this - people and places you know, and people and places you do not know. Saying if it is a new person or place this is far worse is best.
For almost every question it is best to NOT say "Sometimes I.......". It is best to say - even if not the case - you have a perosn reminding you daily of certain things to prompt you, and that you always avoid X due to your physical and mental health. Saying things like "No - I avoid this and have food delivered."
These same main questions aply for PIP, UC and at times ESA. But remember they can cross check, keep details in keeping, ESA will soon end, and it will be UC nationwide.
Most of the news about DWP and GOV changes recently are fear mongering tactics, to scare off fraudsters, but some changes are being pushed through.
Such as bank checks, implications if you owe DWP money, potentially vouchers instead of money, powers to retrieve funds from bank accounts without court orders, and more aid for those deemed fit enough to work. For those who are drivers, the DWP now ave powered to seize your lisence if you owe the DWP money and are not paying this back.
You are entitled to these funds from the government, just be prepared well in advance.
The CAB - offer advice and actually appointments to sit and help you fill in forms and do the online application together.
Charlies Journey - YouTube
These are tips and advice from benefits advisory services, you will need to research and use judgment and common sense. Where ever it has been stated "MOST LIKELY" - you will still need to look into this, as we do not know everyone's personal circumstances, this is general advice.
look at the questions asked for whichever benefits you are applying for or being reviewed for.
Below is a file with all the UC questions and below is a template for PIP review with the main questions.
These tips can apply to other benefits as well.
If it is a video review and assessment, and you simply get up during it to get a letter required, even if your getting physically up like this is not discussed, the assessor will score you on this regardless, they will score you as mobile, and still even if you are unsteady on your feet.
Remember, they want to know how your health impacts your daily life more so than anything else. Many people have worked in the past but now cannot and those who come across as well spoken are just as entitled to the funds as anyone else.
This template below is NOT an offical form, it is to use and read from during an assessment.
Tick things off as go along – at end anything missed out say it - keep it short and to the point
do not go off on tangents - 3 main issues per question = points. Do not go into major details unless you really have to.
Preparing FOOD:
· CHAIR & ready meals
· Mental Health & Balance
· Holding things & burning fingers
· SPOON – Arthritis & jaw - gripping
Lack appetite
Manging Therapy:
· Without reminding I forget
· Not good with phones for alarms – if asked
· Meds, eat, bath, sleep, dress, appointments
· HANDLES – ease into bath use nozzle
· Once a week
· SINK is my aid to hold / cant get there fast accidents
Getting Dressed:
· Every 3 days / sleep in clothes / no buttons clothes
· Gloves, thick socks, not just prompt but now must sit
Don’t think ahead / over paying as simply want to get back home.
Engaging with people face to face:
· PTSD & Depression – worse if new person
Planning a journey:
· PTSD/Depression – deliveries.
· Taxi only, late, wrong place,
· Worse if a new place
Mobility/Walking: Tailor to you !!!
· Balance – light as a feather – spinning – MUST grab something.
· Twice as long to cover distance than other people
· Taxi, dizzy out of car, hold car once out, walk slow
· Pain in joints and muscles
· Anxiety as I look drunk / food delivered
· Adapted to using wheel chair, deliveries, items close by.
Conditions: List physical health issues.
Meds – List medications and what Mg you take daily.
Symptoms – List symptoms of physical health issues.
Mental - Tailor to you - Eg - night terrors, panic attacks, anxiety, depression, scared go out.
Ensure to say your GP knows all and helps.