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In addition to the campaigns I would like all UK TI’s and the public to get engaged with I would also like both to use the resources on this page as part of your efforts to expose these horrific crimes. These are all really worthwhile/ valuable documents. In addition to putting all the campaigns on your to do list I am asking ALL TI's in the UK to read ALL these documents and please use them...
1. The UK prayer for the prayer campaign. Please all join this 3 times a day (or where can) and please read the prayer campaign in the campaigns tab too…https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TCcUl10SGcF-izbsibG5O24iAGWc0tnA4n1GaduY0To/edit?usp=sharing THE MAIN INTERNATIONAL PRAYER IS HERE (as opposed to the UK specific one)...The prayer for the prayer campaign.docx - Google Docs Video/ audio of main prayer also here... Read DAILY for Targeted Individual's freedom! - YouTube Please also see the prayer that is specifically focused on getting the UK Prime Minister to help. This is also a very important and powerful prayer and should be used daily if possible... The UK Prime Minister prayer.docx - Google Docs Here is the personal empowerment TI video/ audio prayer for any TI going through difficult times or who just wants to be at the most absolutely successful TI they can be... The prayer for Personal Targeted individual empowerment - repeat DAILY 4 success & activism success - YouTube (See written prayer in you tube video description) Here is the breakthrough to the mainstream media prayer. in video/audio format...Media prayer/affirmations for general repeat - ASKING SELECT PEOPLE TO TAKE ON THIS PROJECT TOO - YouTube The written version of this link can be found in the You Tube description. We need people top take this on also as their own specific project. I WILL ALSO INCLUDE MY DOCUMENT THAT SHOWS ALL OF MY PRAYERS IN WRITTEN FORMAT IN POINT 13 FURTHER DOWN THIS LIST AS HAVING DIFFICULTY POSTING HERE.
2. The explanation of the prayer campaign. The most important campaign I have (PLEASE ALL READ)… https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ih7R8AwthQf1fuAke0L9eapGSIja0HPF/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=104846492145085651626&rtpof=true&sd=true
3. Goals of the Targeted Individuals cause to share with anyone who may be able to help including family and friends…https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iGm8Cxxlgl-hTNV50sf5iypgH9vYoWx7/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=104846492145085651626&rtpof=true&sd=true
4. This is my free E-book that I created firstly as a comprehensive guide to the Targeted Individual issue and secondly to provide all the very best credible evidence that exists on the subject... Mark Williams free ebook on Targeted Individuals - saved 13/02/2022.docx - Google Docs
5. ICATOR lawsuit information https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TkwUzzoCgYQmGGhwuJwXyE1rvZyy2Vr3/view?usp=sharing Please share and join ICATOR lawsuit.
6. Step by step strategy for MPs. This outlines all the basic steps that we recommend MP's take to help our cause in clear simple steps… Step by step strategy for MPs.docx - Google Docs
7. Step by step strategy for Non MP. This is basically a document to share to anyone else who may be able to help who is not an Member of Parliament... https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UhRqfeQI184Ibt6jZo2YsRQc-lfhTU0e/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=104846492145085651626&rtpof=true&sd=true
8. Twitter handles for Human rights groups, media, UN, media and US senate intelligence committee. Please feel free to use these to help target your twitter campaigns to people in power who can help… MP Twitter handles FINAL ALL NOW.docx - Google Docs
9. This is a document that has 1300 Targeted Individual testimonies from around the world from every major continent. It is a great one to share with your MP, news media, human rights groups, friends and family and other people of power who have the ability to help people... TESTIMONIALS - Europe, Americas, Asia - Google Drive
10. This is a document that shows some of the emails that I did as part of my international email campaign. You can use these as an example to give you some ideas as to how to get started writing emails, how to structure them and also gain some insight into how persuasion can be used. PLEASE DO NOT COPY THEM. Its ok to take a few links from them but please do not use all the same links in the same email. In other words make it your own words/work... Email examples for Mail merging.docx - Google Docs
11. The most comprehensive document on the internet showing the symptoms of Electronic Harassment and Mind Control... Symptoms of Electronic Harassment and mind control technology.docx - Google Docs
12. This is a document about finding the best blood tests to test for 'markers' or chemicals in the blood that may be as a result of Targeting (this includes toxins too). Please copy and and paste as the link is not active here for some reason... https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sAgyDDL_hk_-xgtN-UHerC-MP8oupi6L/view?usp=sharing
13. Brilliant and recommended document for all to read and share that shows all of my prayers in written format in one easy to read dcoument. PLEASE GET INVOLVED IN REITING ALL THESE PRAYER REGULARLY... All the prayers I've made in one document - Google Docs